Android Nougat Vs iOS 10: Our Succeeding Mobile OS

This year has been a full of surprises in the world of mobile technology. Talking about two most popular and demanding operating systems for mobile is like they both have been favourite and bringing competition for each other. Both have received updates in the form of iOS 10 and Android Nougat, so let’s take a look at how they win the battle from each other.

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Google recently released latest version for its mobile OS – Android Nougat 7 and also the Apple has launched iOS 10.

 User Interface

The user interface for both the operating systems has taken a major fix regarding how refined it looks after various changes. Apple put highlights on interaction using push touch on devices, where it imported sensors inside the display to encounter the amount of pressure being applied. And the feature of ‘Rise to wake’ is equal to Android’s ‘Always on’ display.

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Android 7 Nougat has transformed the navigation bar buttons to incorporate a new function of ‘Quick Switch’ which can get at by tapping twice the last button to go to the last app that you were running. Nougat does not have new things regarding latest ways to relate to this content.


Apple iOS notification system is one of perfect notification systems in the mobile OSs with a quick look at what is running on your iOS device. Apple is improving the experience with the intelligence to communicate with your notifications, right from your lock screen. This latest notification system deals with third force apps as well where Mobile Application Developer can push notifications to live updates.


Android Nougat has also enhanced the notification system, letting the users have look on the notifications without opening the app. Google modified the notification system completely in Nougat with smaller fonts, uniform width, and notifications arranged nicely according to apps. Users can even pick down the notification and give the response to messages straight from the notification, without opening the exact messaging app.

Digital Assistants

Apple’s personal assistant is Siri, which is already a unique concept and besides all this, it is updating in each version with lot o capabilities. Users can book food, can send messages to a specific contact in a particular third force app like Whatsapp among usual things like conducting an online search, ask for location, schedules, set reminders, alarms, notifications and making calls by telling Siri.

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Talking about Google’s AI based digital assistant also launched voice search but still does not have much automation, but the offering is regularly improving with each update, and we can observe in an absolute way with the forthcoming Google Pixel lineup.


Both iOS 10 and Android Nougat promise amazing and extending latest features. Apple appears to be covering the gap on Google regarding widgets and third-force app integration, while Google is reportedly resolving app icon shortcuts and app notification groupings like Apple.

We cannot say which OS is the more perfect and advanced until we get it in our hands. But there’s a fair chance that both of them are continuously making the world crazy by updating the latest versions of OS with brand new features.

Things to consider when outsourcing app development


Do you have any app idea but don’t have the time to build it? Need to outsourcing the particular app. There is need to outsource your app. Being an mobile app development company we are responsible for your app outsourcing.

You don’t want to end up with a team of your own developers and designers only to understand that your mobile app is not as amazing to your customers as it is to you.

While outsourcing is the skillful thing to do, it comes with it’s some critical issues and challenges. Sometimes, the biggest challenge is finding the correct development partner. The one way to get the right partner is to look for an enterprise that puts real attempts into realizing your concept before giving a quote and schedule and getting initiated with development.

1. Make sure they realize your needs:

There is only so much time any company can spend to realize your frameworks before they give you a name. Once the project allotted, we need not rush to get the development evoked. Get the company to segment the project into deep blueprints, which detailed along with wire-frames so that it makes the job of the developer simple.

2. Stay in charge:

Even though project managers can comfort your work to a great extent, but it has twill be you who need will be in matter. Your success depends on your own work. You can assign the team of project management yourself, but if your app project is a huge one, someone professional has to handle it.

3. Get time-line segments:


When your app development provides you with a detailed time-line breakdown, the clarity on the project comes up. This will also provoke you to work and set your do’s list before the iphone application development and android application development initiates.


4. Get builds at intervals:

Set some intervals for judging the build to test for the features or modules and give prompt report so that your development partner always be in touch. Once you reach the beta phase in development, the responsiveness with the development company should raise and you will be judging the builds more often. Two to three revisions should have done to diagnose errors.

5. Make it collaborative:


Collect more members in the development and in the thinking process. Your partner will have far more skills, having built many apps already, and will have to optimize and experience of the many tools and options available. Make each member be a part of the product-design discussions.



It will always work out for you if any mobile application development company takes place. Although you can also focus on quality web design services relevant to the particular mobile app. The website must be responsive and of quality.

