Top Security Apps to Keep Your iPhone & iPad Secure

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It is the best feeling for everyone who is using iPhone or iPad, have proper safety related to data, its inbuilt features and the device itself. You really care for both, the device and its contents. You keep your iPhone for calling, data use for storage and net surfing and many more things. So it is really important to keep your iPhone safe and secure for its well-functioning and you may never lose anything.

Smartphones and tablets are extremely personal tools with a lot of vital information put in storage within them. From pictures to contacts and email to card details, people keep a lot of sensitive information, personal on their devices.

iPhone and iPad are tools that need to be protected from theft too, weather it may be hacking, or data loss. That’s why the app market is flooded with lots of security apps built specifically for the iPad and iPhone App Development is specified field for the security apps for idevices. These apps are really helpful as a few of them are to store your password securely, while some of them help you track a device lost and few others let you to keep your files and media safe.

Just take a look at some of the popular apps that are custom-made to meet security needs of the iPhone and iPad.

  1. M-secure

MSECURE, IPHONE, IPAD SECURITY APPS, Hire iPhone Development company, Hire Dedicated iPhone Developer, Hire iOS Programmers, hire iPhone developer, Hire iPhone App Developer, Customized iPhone developer,Now you can keep your data safe with this app. This crucial app automatically syncs the data and has a self-destruct option. It has an easy user interface. You can save your account details via email and text message. Once you buy it, you can download it for free on your idevices. It really helps users to create unimaginable passwords. For any kind of account details, user can search in the app. Users can sync their data files with icloud by updating.

  1. Secret Calculator Icon.

SECRET CALCULATOR APP, IPAD IPHONE APPS FOR SECURITY, iPhone App Development Services , iPhone Application DevelopmentCompany ,iPhone App Development, iPhone Application Development ,iPhone App Development Company ,iPhone Application Development Services,Using this app one can easily manage, hide and store its personal messages, audios, videos, contacts, pictures and documents. This app has a home screen icon of a calculator, no one make a guess what actually is inside it. User can also set a Pattern lock,pin lock or any password. A special feature of this app is that it captures picture of intruder who tries to break in your private files using front camera. It also has panic wrap system which is very useful as it switches to another app using motion gesture flick such as shake or facedown.

  1. Betternet VPN

BETTERNET APP, IPHONE IPAD APPS,iPhone App Development Services , iPhone Application DevelopmentCompany  ,iPhone App Development, iPhone Application Development  ,iPhone App Development Company  ,iPhone Application Development Services,This app is amazing with simple UI, as it gives you better access to browse and surf sites that are restricted on a particular network or hotspot. While running the app on, it changes your IP address so that you cannot be traced. It serves like free proxy and also keeps your personal data and password secure. It connects you to the nearby server automatically by your location thus giving faster network speed.

  1. Find my iphone

find-my-iphone-situationApple has offered this app as stock update when user update their idevices to iOS 9.0+ version. The iPhone App Developer has deliberately developing the needs of the people to meet their expectation as this app is very best to search and control your iPhone remotely. You can view the location of your idevice on map and give a ring on it when you are trying to search it. You can also delete all the data on idevice from signing in to find my device from PC if they have lost their device. User can lock their devices with passcode and it also give acknowledgement.

Apple Released ‘Swift Playgrounds’ to make us learn iOS App Development

Apple released a new coding language, Swift, that it expected would appeal to a new generation for iOS App Developer. At its annual developer conference, Apple featured that any young developer had taken up the challenge. Apple unveiled a new app “Swift Playgrounds” that is meant to teach basic coding skills in Apple’s selected language.


This tutorial app provides us to learn basic programming fundamentals like loops and conditional statement. It takes some animated character tasked performing simple challenges in a digital network to make learning easy. It provides suggested language for coding purpose, an auto fill of sorts. This app is absolutely free and it is a interesting way for kids to learn coding and relate writing code to basic knowledge.

The CEO said that Swift Playgrounds is the only app of this sort that is easy to give knowledge to students and the beginners, and at the same time it is enough powerful to write real code. It is an amazing and innovatory way to fetch real coding concepts to life and qualify the next generation with the dexterity they need to precise their creativity.

There are lots of business associations that provide this kind of learning a new thing experience. Some other apps are also released that are based on similar concept to explain how code works; letting users to look under the cover once they catch all the basics. And the developers tried to combine basic lessons of coding with its robotic units in Lightning lab.



The significance of Swift Playgrounds, of course, is that it instructs the beginners a very distinct language that is brought to work best with Apple.

When you first go through this, Swift Playgrounds introduce you with a number of basic coding chapters, as well as tasks. The interface looks somewhat similar to Code academy, but it’s more graphical and responsive, which make great sense, given that the target masses. Most of the projects involve easy games and animations to keep kids attached and motivated.


To make iPad coding easier, Apple is enabling us a rare keyboard with lot of shortcuts and other characteristics that will make it simpler to use code.

With Swift playgrounds, Apple present it as a fresh and latest programming language which is now open source and hence requires to get people to pick up it comfortably. The language is not for programmers but for kids who want to go through some basics.




This sort of lesson providing service can give some intro to languages, but a project- based approach typically works better than working the way better through lessons. This project that aimed to learn code to kids. It was started in 2014 by Stefan Mischook and also the developer’s preview is going to release by now.

Android Nougat Vs iOS 10: Our Succeeding Mobile OS

This year has been a full of surprises in the world of mobile technology. Talking about two most popular and demanding operating systems for mobile is like they both have been favourite and bringing competition for each other. Both have received updates in the form of iOS 10 and Android Nougat, so let’s take a look at how they win the battle from each other.

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Google recently released latest version for its mobile OS – Android Nougat 7 and also the Apple has launched iOS 10.

 User Interface

The user interface for both the operating systems has taken a major fix regarding how refined it looks after various changes. Apple put highlights on interaction using push touch on devices, where it imported sensors inside the display to encounter the amount of pressure being applied. And the feature of ‘Rise to wake’ is equal to Android’s ‘Always on’ display.

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Android 7 Nougat has transformed the navigation bar buttons to incorporate a new function of ‘Quick Switch’ which can get at by tapping twice the last button to go to the last app that you were running. Nougat does not have new things regarding latest ways to relate to this content.


Apple iOS notification system is one of perfect notification systems in the mobile OSs with a quick look at what is running on your iOS device. Apple is improving the experience with the intelligence to communicate with your notifications, right from your lock screen. This latest notification system deals with third force apps as well where Mobile Application Developer can push notifications to live updates.


Android Nougat has also enhanced the notification system, letting the users have look on the notifications without opening the app. Google modified the notification system completely in Nougat with smaller fonts, uniform width, and notifications arranged nicely according to apps. Users can even pick down the notification and give the response to messages straight from the notification, without opening the exact messaging app.

Digital Assistants

Apple’s personal assistant is Siri, which is already a unique concept and besides all this, it is updating in each version with lot o capabilities. Users can book food, can send messages to a specific contact in a particular third force app like Whatsapp among usual things like conducting an online search, ask for location, schedules, set reminders, alarms, notifications and making calls by telling Siri.

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Talking about Google’s AI based digital assistant also launched voice search but still does not have much automation, but the offering is regularly improving with each update, and we can observe in an absolute way with the forthcoming Google Pixel lineup.


Both iOS 10 and Android Nougat promise amazing and extending latest features. Apple appears to be covering the gap on Google regarding widgets and third-force app integration, while Google is reportedly resolving app icon shortcuts and app notification groupings like Apple.

We cannot say which OS is the more perfect and advanced until we get it in our hands. But there’s a fair chance that both of them are continuously making the world crazy by updating the latest versions of OS with brand new features.

V2 is now released : Laravel Spark

If you are real fan of Laravel and its version. You are at right track. Laravel has released its newest version “Laravel Spark V2” the commercial Laravel package that provides instant  framing for subscription billing.

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The version 2.0 release is a free update for all license holders and it put compatibility with Laravel 5.3 and detracting the Spark installer in favor of using composer straightly. This adds reliant on upgrades so it is suitable for both Echo and Passport that are latest packages in laravel 5.3. Now the Laravel Developer will definately works with this latest version of Laravel Spark.


The guide says that we must review the whole Laravel 5.3 upgrade guide and modify according to your application to display those changes. And besides this there is no more extra coding upgrades that you need to add before using Spark 2.0.

Once you have done applying the changes which are listed in the 5.3 upgrade guide, you are ready to update your concealed Spark dependency.


The Laravel spark V2 has just been launched and it’s aim is to be an one-sided way of making out business based SaaS applications. It highlights team management, recurring billing through Stripe, user roles, and many more things.

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Spark is created with only one thing in mind, to make framing out a billing system for a SaaS app simple. We all are well known of the fact that team management for billing system is really time taking and hard task. It is too much tedious work to do like incorporating all the systems, making it carefully, creating invoices, and so on. With the help of Spark, we can really get what the business needs.

Spark is a library built on top of Laravel and Laravel’s billing library Cashier that basically comes with all the items of a SaaS app that you don’t want to spend time building. It includes:

  • Password reset and Authentication
  • Subscription billing and bills
  • Teams and Group billing
  • Announcements, two-factor authentication, user impersonation

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Spark Back-end

Spark doesn’t really lay out how to begin back -end controllers but that’s what laravel is best at this task to what we normally have. All of the authentication is handled automatically by Spark. It generates “transient”, short-lived API tokens backstage when users load the application’s pages. This means we can optimize our own API without having to take load of authentication and credentials as it’s already handled automatically by Spark and expert Laravel Development Company.

Boost Your Productivity With these iPhone Apps!

E-commerce and the application is latest trend and reason for boosting up any company’s sales and overall growth in a great extent. When it comes to matter of marketing innovation and media advertising then iPhone application development company and the application helps company to promote their products and services to the masses by applying various strategies and methods of displaying quality product and services.

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Following are the list of iPhone applications which helps to boost productivity:  



With OmniFocus for iOS and Apple Watch around, you’ll never miss out on a game-changing idea. Walk by a grocery store and your wrist will get a tap; pick up some milk and bread. There’s no need for you to keep track of all that yourself.


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Evernote helps you to organize your personal and professional project. It also takes notes, create to-do lists, and save things you find online into Evernote. It also helps you to sync everything between your phone, tablet, and computer automatically.


You might be surprised to find a Twitter client in a list of productivity apps, but there’s a good reason for it. Since I’ve installed Twinkle, I’ve stopped using Twhirl or constantly refreshing the tab I have Twitter open in; I know Twinkle will let me know when someone replies to or messages me and since installing it my time spent on the site in general has decreased a lot—without really affecting my participation in the community there.


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Bookshelf helps you read, learn, exposure of your thoughts and knowledge in all iPhone devices includes iPad, iPod, iMac etc.

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 Using your iPhone or iPad, you can connect to a Mac or Windows PC, and see the files, programs, and resources exactly as you would if you were sitting at your desk, just on a smaller screen.


Moreover for your own personalized application you can opt for expert iPhone application development company with great developers.

iPhone App Developer: Why Is It a Good Career Option?

Nowadays craze in Mobile apps development are growing rapidly with the more coder and programmer wants to seek challenging project to develop application globally. And in development context the iPhone application development company and the iOS programmer are dramatically increasing their demand are too in the virtue of tech world.

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To choose career in development of i[hone application is very passionate and more smarter than any of other mobile cross field development.

 Following are the reason for choosing iphone developer as a career option:

  1. The world has an uncontrollable appetite for new and better apps.
  1. Developers have numerous chances to exhibit their skill by developing interesting and innovative apps that run on iOS.
  1. With the growing popularity of iPhones, iPads and iPods and the appetite for new apps, we can expect a steady demand for iOS developers who can work some magic when it comes to developing apps.
  1. With the demand for this hot skill comes a handsome remuneration. According to Indeed, a popular job portal, the average salary for iOS professionals is 68% higher than the average salary for other job postings.
  1. Indeed reports that the iOS professionals draw about 98,000 USD per annum.

6.By the year 2020 the ratio of opting for computing jobs are 1.4 Million.

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There is a lot of demand for iOS Developers today. It’s a reality that hot jobs require even hotter skills in order to land a drool-worthy position. It becomes imperative to determine where to invest your time and energy for growth as a developer. And investing your time and resources in learning iPhone application development is the best step forward for a profit making career.

iPhone apps that are highly useful

Apple has a treasure of apps. There are lots of apps which are highly useful and if one can have it, will definitely soothe troubles of life. Apple is a field for business apps i.e, iPhone business application. Your precious phone memory is very important thing for an app, it is the future of any app.

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It depends on a user as well as the app at the same time to know whether the app will be downloaded and optimized or not. And if talking about iPhone apps, these are something for anyone to go crazy about. iPhone applications are very effective for anyone. They have special inbuilt features which provides lots of tasks and activities for users to involve in the apps.

In the flood of apps, how can you know that you’re choosing the best apps to take space on your home screen?

First of all, let us realize what is must have or highly useful. There are some apps which are most used but that doesn’t mean these are “must apps”. These are the essential one. Lots of devices are already providing these apps on the home screens. Facebook, twitter, and Gmail falls under this category. These are most used, but we are not considering these in “highly useful” category.

Here I am going to discuss some useful apps for iPhone users. You can download them and install on your home screen to get benefits for life. Just take a look at the brief description.

1. BillGuard (Free)

Some people are there who admit that they can’t organize their expenses and finances. And to recover this problem, we have this app which is very useful for the purpose. And yet it shares.

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some of the functions as any of the leading bank apps, it helps you to how to manage your investing habits. It alerts you for spending on unwanted and irregular spendings and bills you need to pay for. It will even suggest you frequent charges for services you may not even use anymore.
2. Buffer (Free)



You would love if you will be called as a social genius. This app works a lot like Hootsuite. You can schedule your FB activities, tweets and also the posts for Google plus, LinkedIn etc based on the effective users time. Like when most of the followers are online, it is the right time to catch attention from all by the post. You can even see the progress of your post and can also improve.

3. Dashlane (Free)


If you are an online shopaholic, Dashlane is a useful app for you as it automatically saves the details of payment, confirmation information, the links you visited for the purpose of shopping etc that would have otherwise been deleted or lost by you anyway in your mailbox. It lets you keep a record for online shopping and provides you a better experience to get your receipts. It’s a free app, but if you are much spending a time, there is a premium option available for the regular user for more features and better experience. Or you can consult with any expert iPhone application development company.


4. MyFitnessPal (Free)


Don’t take a load to download workout and diet plan apps. This is the app which only counts your calorie intake and burned. The app works better as it sets realistic aims to achieve fitness and gives you strict boundaries to follow.. it lets you keep proper record of all your meals, counting calories based on what you intake and calories burned through work out. If you are the on who want to get fit, don’t avoid this app.



iPhone app development is itself a big business of today’s world. People choose iPhone apps for their business to grow flawlessly and at the same time earn revenue by the apps. There are lots of iPhone application development services provider, you can choose by performing proper research and use Internet directories also.



Why The Future Of E-commerce is Truly Reliant On Mobile Apps?

Mobile apps are everywhere. The world is flooded with lots of app and mobile application development company are now a particular and stand-alone business, which is so started because apps are so much in demand. Every business solely needs an app to fulfill its services for remote customers as well as who don’t want to take so much load.


If talking about e-commerce company, these are the mostly known for the products and services. Online shopping portals are second most used apps. There is a deep association between mobile apps and e-commerce companies. E-commerce websites are also there to generate business. But think of a number of people who are responsible for making a big difference in the ratio of mobile users and desktop users. So the people go for an easy way, they directly download the app and use it.

The smartphone is a big part of the lifestyle. People are addicted to it. There are lots of functions besides calling and messaging. You can earn money and use that for online shopping, mobile recharge and use that money for any other service. The smartphone lets you use the entire features with its potential apps. And people are totally dependent on the smartphone. And the smartphone is full of apps. So directly or indirectly E-commerce companies are strongly dependent on mobile apps.

E-commerce Growth Graph


People today now are not thinking to go to any stores to buy any things. But it’s the truth. The number ratio of people purchasing online things has increased by 60% from last 5 years. E-commerce enterprises are taking forward their mobile strategy. There are still some retailers who think twice for being needy of the profits of not utilizing this new age technology. Stakeholders realize mobile apps are the way ahead.

E-commerce industry now seems to have attained a point where potential websites, are about to become old. Specifically for the e-Commerce market, it has become a fashion for companies to move to an app only experience.

Advantage of Mobile Apps for e-Commerce Traders:


1. Meet customer demands regularly

2. Improve flexibility

3. Enhanced UX for shopping to advance customer loyalty

4. Deep study of meaningful data

5. Easy Payments and check-outs

You as a trader should be enough bold to understand that people always do these things through mobile apps only: Booking a cab, for movie, see tutorials videos of any subject, get beauty tips, read contents for books and play games, watch live telecast of any drama or search for nearby hang out places, mall or places to eat. You should qualify mobile strategies according to meet customer requirements and upgrade customer loyalty.

Importance of Mobile Apps

Most of the e-commerce companies are now become only-mobile-app-way, just like Flipkart, had planned for it. Also, Myntra is planning the same.


The enterprise is truly realizing the purchasing behavior of the customers & as per, they try to track customers to engage, convert, and buy. Whatever mobile apps are developed by mobile application developer is a center path to join end users and the organization. It is a kind of hike in the tech-world that the tide over in the market. It is dependent on and completely focused on the customer’s satisfaction. This is the compact way for the mobile app developers to be cost-effective.

Users consume data connection, storage and precious time to download your eCommerce mobile app only to get beneficial products that meet their needs in return.


Mobile Application Development has rich scope ahead, so are you ready with any certain strategies to be the part of this action? We are always here for you to design e-commerce mobile app in iPhone application development and in android too with excellent user experience and benefits.