Apple Released ‘Swift Playgrounds’ to make us learn iOS App Development

Apple released a new coding language, Swift, that it expected would appeal to a new generation for iOS App Developer. At its annual developer conference, Apple featured that any young developer had taken up the challenge. Apple unveiled a new app “Swift Playgrounds” that is meant to teach basic coding skills in Apple’s selected language.


This tutorial app provides us to learn basic programming fundamentals like loops and conditional statement. It takes some animated character tasked performing simple challenges in a digital network to make learning easy. It provides suggested language for coding purpose, an auto fill of sorts. This app is absolutely free and it is a interesting way for kids to learn coding and relate writing code to basic knowledge.

The CEO said that Swift Playgrounds is the only app of this sort that is easy to give knowledge to students and the beginners, and at the same time it is enough powerful to write real code. It is an amazing and innovatory way to fetch real coding concepts to life and qualify the next generation with the dexterity they need to precise their creativity.

There are lots of business associations that provide this kind of learning a new thing experience. Some other apps are also released that are based on similar concept to explain how code works; letting users to look under the cover once they catch all the basics. And the developers tried to combine basic lessons of coding with its robotic units in Lightning lab.



The significance of Swift Playgrounds, of course, is that it instructs the beginners a very distinct language that is brought to work best with Apple.

When you first go through this, Swift Playgrounds introduce you with a number of basic coding chapters, as well as tasks. The interface looks somewhat similar to Code academy, but it’s more graphical and responsive, which make great sense, given that the target masses. Most of the projects involve easy games and animations to keep kids attached and motivated.


To make iPad coding easier, Apple is enabling us a rare keyboard with lot of shortcuts and other characteristics that will make it simpler to use code.

With Swift playgrounds, Apple present it as a fresh and latest programming language which is now open source and hence requires to get people to pick up it comfortably. The language is not for programmers but for kids who want to go through some basics.




This sort of lesson providing service can give some intro to languages, but a project- based approach typically works better than working the way better through lessons. This project that aimed to learn code to kids. It was started in 2014 by Stefan Mischook and also the developer’s preview is going to release by now.

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